giovedì 10 novembre 2016


Buonasera follower!
Vi ricordo che c'è un giveaway che sta volgendo al termine. Avete tempo fino alle 18:00 per partecipare. Leggete sull'evento il regolamento e tentate la sorte! In palio l'ultimo libro di Sarah Morgan, gentilmente offerto dalla HarperCollins Italia. 
Ma non è finita qui! La mitica Sarah Morgan ha accettato di rispondere ad alcune domande... ehmmm... qua facciamo le cose bene, eh? ;)

Leggete l'intervista:

1) Can you please tell us a little something about you as a person? and the path that led you to be the person you are today?  
I was working as a nurse in the emergency department, and came home one day to find my flatmate reading a medical romance. I picked it up, read it, and thought ‘I could write that’. It wasn’t until I was at home with children that I wrote a complete book. I started writing medical romance and that was the start of my career! I’m so lucky this is my job. Not only am I doing something I love, but it has meant that I can manage my own time which is such a benefit.

2) Where does your passion for writing come from?
I have always wanted to be a writer ever since I was a little girl. I don’t know where it comes from!  Needing to write is part of me. Even if I wasn’t published, I would still write

3) How do you perceive the future of publishing? Self or Publisher? E-book or paperback? And what is your personal preference? Publishing has changed a great deal over the past few years and will no doubt continue to change and evolve. Books compete not just against each other, but against other forms of media. At the moment I am traditionally published and that suits me. Harlequin has a huge global reach and I have a global readership so writing for them is the perfect partnership. I like my books to be available in whatever format suits the reader – so ebook, paperback, audio are all important.

4) Historical, paranormal, erotic ...  how do you decide what genre is going to appeal more to the marketplace?  Do you think you can influence this?
You can’t influence what people buy, nor can you really predict trends. By the time you jump on a trend it has probably moved on. The most important thing is to write a page turning story with compelling characters. And you have to love what you’re writing.

5) Why should people buy your books?
My books, or so I’m told by readers, are uplifting and heartwarming. In today’s world where we’re exposed to so much bad news, reading is a way of escaping. I hope people read my books for pleasure. I hope my stories make them smile and improve the moment no matter what’s going on beyond the pages of the book.

6) Would you ever make a compromise for success?
(I don’t really understand this question! So sorry.)

7) Do you have any secret dream?
Making my living as a writer is my dream! I hope it continues.

8) Could you tell us something about what you last wrote?
I’m currently writing book 5 in my series From Manhattan With Love. It’s set in The Hamptons so as well as scenes in New York City, there are plenty of scenes set at the beach. I hope it’s the perfect summer book. 

9) Do you have any new projects planned for the imminent future?
I’m writing more books in my series set in New York City and I’m really loving it. I’m not yet sure what I’ll be writing after that.

10) How important is love for you? Do you think that in real life, happy endings can be achieved?
Love is very important. Not just romantic love, but building and maintaining a close connection with family and friends. As for happy endings, they are for books when the story ends – in real life, I think we should strive to live each day as happily as we can and not wait for the ending!

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